Mission Statement
Angel Care Home is a charming home-like environment with the expertise of medical experience. Our staff is dedicated to each resident and their individual needs; providing a sense of belonging. Our adaptive care ensures your loved one's needs are met as their care changes. Our team believes in providing a supportive and caring atmosphere as we take your loved one under our wings.

Our Team

Ciara Warner Manager/Owner
My name is Ciara, I am the second generation owner of Angel Care Home; and third generation facility owner. My mother founded Angel Care Home in 2004; her and I designed the company while my father built out the dream. Along the way I became a nurse and have a bachelors in psychology. Through these amazing years working alongside each other; and with other health professionals; we have built a wonderful community that truly makes you feel like part of the family. Proving time and time again our medical knowledge keeps residents safe and our standard of care is what’s most important to us.

Anthony Martinez Caregiver
My name is Anthony, I am newer to assisted living, but have been raised around the family business. I am passionate about learning and being part of this great team. My education is in film/photography and have a degree in film production. Although this is not within the same field my degree has taught me how to be patient and pay attention to detail.